Автор книги: Ариен Ройз
Жанр книги: Боевое фэнтези
Возрастное ограничение: 18+
Возрастное ограничение: 18+
О книге:
Would you be able to survive if you got into another new world after death? Here, how lucky you are, you will answer, but Rui does not believe in luck. The main character Derrial Horst works in the elite special forces unit ”FALCON” And on one of the missions the main character dies. After death, he finds himself in a new, unprecedented world for himself. In the new world, he acquires a new cute appearance, but at the same time he is greatly weakened compared to his previous life. Derrial takes a new name Rui Kane, joins the team, and after… And what happened after that? This will be told by the last final chapter of ”Sunrise: The Line between Worlds”
The story is conducted from the 1st person.
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Полная версия книги Sunrise: The line between worlds